A downloadable game

Made for Global Game Jam 2018 by Omar Hadhoud, Omar Fasseh & Mohamed Ibrahim.

Dual-T is a CO-OP Platformer where two players control two characters, A Robot, and a Helicopter, and your objective is to get the robot to the end of the level. The helicopter ‘transmits’ a signal to the robot, allowing Player 1 to control it, and the robot has a radar that allows it to detect camouflaged enemy helicopters, however, when they get further apart the transmission becomes weaker and weaker until it’s almost impossible to control the robot! But that's not the only thing, this is a CO-OP game, that forces the players to 'connect' with each other and 'transmit signals' to each other in order to finish the game! Enjoy!

Download: https://v3.globalgamejam.org/2018/games/dual-t

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